Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trick and Games with Paper - Paul Jackson

This book is cool because it has lots of paper dragons and other folding things that you can make. One of them is a banger that you can scare people with.

I liked this book because it has frogs that you can make out of cardboard or paper that you push the back of them and they will do a flip.

This book is cool.

Secret Seven Win Through By Enid Blyton

I really enjoyed this book because they always solve all the mysteries. This book is about some kids that have this random club called the secret 7. This secret 7 mystery is about them having to find a new meeting place for a while because there usual meeting place was being repainted. The real mystery is about Jack being very puzzled that someone slipped into the new meeting place. Their new meeting place is in a cave. So at night the two boys called Jack and Collin went out into the dark and tried to spy on a person called Albert Tanner. But all they got was payback. The real confusion was after Albert Tanner said "the scarecrow". I just can't believe that they didn't even think of their own scarecrow. Anyway the answer was that there was a cave on top of their one, and the cave on top of that one was underneath their scarecrow. I like this book because it has a mysterious story

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Secret 7 by Grid Blytun

Have you ever heard of something like the Secret seven. Its a book about these seven kids that have a club called The Secret Seven. These are the characters of the secret 7=Pam, George, Peter, Jack, Janet, Scamper, Barbara and Collin. Well they found a boy that looked quite sad. So they called up a meeting and The boys name is bob. Anyway so bob tells this story about this man called Tolly. He says that Tolly has to pay his vet bill otherwise his horse Brownie will get shot. So the secret seven help Tolly by helping Tolly pay the vet bill. So they made everyone in the secret seven club put money towards the vet bill and they saved the horse. One night Janet thought the sky was so beautiful that she went and danced in it. While she was dancing she heard a noise that made her feel uncomfortable so she went over to Brownie and there was a horrible noise and excitement. The three horses were bucking and horse thieves were everywhere with hay forks trying to steal the horses. So Janet went up to the house and woke her mum and dad up. If you want to know more then get this book out from the library it is a bit olden days though!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The last vampire by Willis Hall

Most vampires arn't vegetarian. But this one is. This vampire is a fruit eating one. This story is about a little boy and his mother and father goes camping. Suddenly they got lost. And they ended up in a really strange place. So they found a place to set up the camp. But they didn't know that there was packs of wolfs lived in the forest right beside there camping ground. But this is funny the little boys mother thinks the wolfs are little guard dogs. I like this book because its cool!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh The Places you'll go

By Dr Seuss.

It was about some of the places you'll go and even sometimes up in a hot air balloon. But sometimes you don't always win which is okay as long as you keep trying.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A little princess

This is a story about a girls called sara and he father leaves her at a school with a boss teacher called Miss Minchin. The teacher sister Miss Amelia tells her to be more polite when saras father money is found.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Goodnight Baby Bat

This book is about Baby Bat going to sleep. But him and mum have to tuck in his friends. First is snail then caterpillar and spider but baby bat is still awake. Baby bat wants to tuck in moon but mum says ''we can't tuck up moom, she's too far away''.I think boys and girls would like it because it has foldouts. My favourite part is caterpillar wriggling his toes.