Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Secret 7 by Grid Blytun

Have you ever heard of something like the Secret seven. Its a book about these seven kids that have a club called The Secret Seven. These are the characters of the secret 7=Pam, George, Peter, Jack, Janet, Scamper, Barbara and Collin. Well they found a boy that looked quite sad. So they called up a meeting and The boys name is bob. Anyway so bob tells this story about this man called Tolly. He says that Tolly has to pay his vet bill otherwise his horse Brownie will get shot. So the secret seven help Tolly by helping Tolly pay the vet bill. So they made everyone in the secret seven club put money towards the vet bill and they saved the horse. One night Janet thought the sky was so beautiful that she went and danced in it. While she was dancing she heard a noise that made her feel uncomfortable so she went over to Brownie and there was a horrible noise and excitement. The three horses were bucking and horse thieves were everywhere with hay forks trying to steal the horses. So Janet went up to the house and woke her mum and dad up. If you want to know more then get this book out from the library it is a bit olden days though!!

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